I've moved the Blog to Azure. I've been meaning to for a couple of years but somehow managed to put it off. This time however my other host, SmarterAsp.Net, kickstarted me into action by announcing my soon to be ending subscription on Dec 26th. Given the options to renew for another year or move, I took a look at my resting free azure account and decided that now was the time.
One of my reservations has always been the uncertainty of how much I will be billed on Azure. There's a free "development" option, but it has limitations, the most important of which is that you cannot use your own domain. Upgrading to the next level in a pay-as-you-go service plan, would leave you exposed to run-away costs as you pay for compute-minutes. I have weighed my options and decided that I will give it a try for a couple of months to see the actual cost. As it stands right now, I think I'm a bit ahead compared to SmarterAsp.net, but let's see in a couple of weeks.
The move in itself has also forced me away from a database backed blog. I'll be looking into CosmosDb to see if that is a viable option. Other than that, it has been pretty easy move, as long as the DNS-provider is able to keep up, and thankfully I moved to Cloudflare a few years ago, which has made it a breeze. And they provide free SSL and caching - which I hope will limit the number of CPU minutes spent at Azure.
I'll be looking into digging through my old database to see what posts are worthy of moving - some time in the new Year.